Date : Wednesday January 9th 2013 - 3 months old
Stats: We don't have a pediatrician appointment this month so I had to do an estimate weight by weighing myself with and without holding her. She was just under 12.5lbs. Who knows how accurate that is. We will have an official weigh in next month.
Clothes: She is still rocking the 3 months outfits. She fits into everything except her pants still. She has been rotating between all of her leggings since those are the only pants that fit. She is able to fit into old navy leggings that are 3-6 months but they are a little baggy in the waist. Since they are a tighter fitting pant they stay up. Her 0-3 month onsies are being retired. (Old navy carries 0-3 where carters just carries 3. Her old navy things fit for the in between sizes. I used them when she grew out of newborn but 3m was too big. Soon she will be wearing her 3-6 months items while she is in between carters 3-6m) Who knew sizes varied so much between each store!
Sleep: This month Harper started sleeping through the night. Dutch had the week of Christmas off so we transitioned her into her crib. It really helped me sleep better (even though I looked at the monitor all night). I wasn't able to hear all of her grunts and stirring. She was able to self soothe herself back to sleep. We don't have success every night but we are getting there. Most nights she goes to bed at 9pm and I still feed her one late night feeding around 1030-11 (although she is really still sleeping but eating at the same time). During the week I wake her to eat at 630 before I leave for work and she goes back to sleep for a little while longer before Dutch has to get her up and ready for day care.
Day care sucks. BUT it is getting much better. I am sure Harper loves having all of the action to take in. She is such an alert baby and doesn't want to miss a thing. There are 4 other little girls (ages 9months - 2 years ish) who are just crawling around and playing. I know she will really enjoy playing with them as she gets a little bit older. We take her to an in home day care which feels much more personal than a day care center. We had a great recommendation for her and I am happy we found her! Going to work that first day was rough but now that we have a week under our belts I am back to enjoying work. It is nice to have some normalcy again. I am able to work in my field, doing what I love and being surrounded by great coworkers. I dont have to change any poopy diapers and I still get great time with Harper in the evenings. I race home to pick her up so we can cuddle, get in our pjs and play.
This month we continued our firsts!
We had our first Christmas!
Went to our first birthday party. Happy Birthday Mimi!
Harper got to meet her Aunt Cortney and Uncle Andrew.
Harper was able to facetime on our ipad with Yaya. Its so amazing that technology allows us to do so!
We had four generations in the kitchen to make Christmas cookies.
Tummy time has become more enjoyable for her as she is getting more head control.
She has started rolling onto her sides. Not quite to her back yet but its fun to watch her try.
"Aunt" Alicia came in from NYC and see baby Harper.
Harper was able to meet her BFF Fiona. They are 12 weeks apart.
We started daycare. : (
Fingers have now made it into Harper's mouth. She loves to see if she can fit her entire fist in her mouth.
She also loves to hold her hands together. It is especially sweet when she is eating and just holding her hands together by the side of her face. I just love it.
Harper, the last three months have just flown by. You show mommy and daddy how much you love us everyday. Your smiles are non stop and it just makes us feel so good. There really is no better feeling in this world. Your daddy and I didn't know what our lives had in store for us or what our family would become. Now that we have you, and have experienced what it is to have a child, I would hate if I had never been able to experience this in my life. It really is amazing and something you cant explain to anyone. Being ready to start a family is scary but the reward is finding out what life really is about. I want to remember every detail about you forever but I know that some things will fade as new memories are made. I just cant put my camera down. I want to be able to look back and see photos of your little dimple or how you hold your hands together. I am sorry to say that we had to start day care this month. Even though it causes crazy thoughts in mommy (you're not going to forget about me are you??) seeing your big grin when I pick you up makes it easier. I know Mrs. S is taking good care of you and giving you lots of snuggles. She is going to teach you great things and introduce you to new friends. Just know that I think about you all day. Daddy loves getting you ready in the morning. Its your special time for the two of you to catch up. Keep up the good work and being an awesome baby. Your fussy days come and go but for the most part you are a fun , alert, chill baby. I cant wait to see what your 4th month has in store!

Sweet hands
Happy birthday singing!
Full of smiles!
Tummy time
Aunt Alicia... nice face harps... lol
BFF Fiona!