Date: August 9th 2013
Stats: 19 lbs?
Clothes : wearing 9 months clothes full time now. Lots of dresses as its summer and what girl doesn't want to wear dresses?!
Sleep: She is a pro sleeping. 3 naps a day. 11 hours at night. She is a dream. Its hard to look back 4-5 months ago when she was still getting up to eat twice a night. I have no idea how i got by being so tired. Now I am tired if I only get 7 hours straight. Life is all about perspective.
Food: She is doing great with formula. I feel like I nursed her years ago. That chapter seems so long ago. I will say its nice to not pump at work! She takes 5 bottles of milk a day and we try for 3 meals of solids on top of that. Its like we eat all day long. She still loves puffs and yogurt melts for snacks. They are especially helpful when we are out at a restaurant. We take her solids to restaurants now which is a great desraction for her. Since she is sitting in a high chair it really works great for us.
Harper has had lots of first this month. She has started to reach for mommy/daddy. She started crawling. She can stand alone while holding on to something. She got a 2nd tooth, her bottom right one. I took my first business trip. She met Aunt Ginger, Uncle Rich and Cousin Jack for the first time. We hung up her swing which she loves.
Unfortunately she also had her first trip to the ER. She had a high fever for almost 2 days. At one point it went from 104 to 105 even after being on ibuprofen. We had gone to the urgent care in the morning but once her fever got that high we went to the emergency room. A place no parent ever wants to be. At least I knew she would be well taken care of. The staff at CHOA (children's healthcare of Atlanta) were great. She had no other symptoms so the worst case issues had to be tested for. They had to take her blood out of both arms (poor baby) to test for meningitis, blood infections etc. Afterwards she just wanted to hold dutch and I and curl up on our laps. It was sweet but sad because you knew how sick she was feeling. All tests were clear so we were able to go home. Her fever broke and she seemed to be acting better. The next day she ended up with a rash (possibly Roseola) Then the next day we got a call that she had a UTI. Ugh. Great to know it was an easy fix. She was a trooper and is thankfully doing much better.