Well its been 6 weeks since my last mommy update... a lot has happened since then! (Its already grown 6 inches since then!
Current Stats:
Baby Size - 10.5 in - 3/4lbs. Length of large carrot.
Baby Size - 10.5 in - 3/4lbs. Length of large carrot.
Sleep - Sleeping pretty great. Had my first leg cramp during this pregnancy but since its been almost 2 weeks ago, Ill blame it on the heels I wore to work that day... trying to stick to wedges these days.
Clothes - I'm living in 3 pairs of maternity dress pants, 1 pair of jeans, and 1 pair of shorts. Everything else I wear is clothes from my pre-pregnancy closet. Lots of dresses, cardigans, stretch tank tops, etc. I find if you wear bump-hugging tops you look a lot more put together and slimmer. Some dresses I have just drape over the top of my bump and make it look 10x bigger.
Food Aversions- Still not really into fried food. I have plenty of nights where nothing sounds good but I'm more so just tired from working all day. Cooking dinner for 1 has always been hard for me so now I have to try even harder to come home and make an actual dinner.
Symptoms - Heartburn!! Other than that I feel pretty great! yay! :) I am trying to enjoy the 2nd trimester honeymoon phase... I hear a lot of 1st trimester symptoms come back for the 3rd trimester. She is moving a lot now. Today I felt her kicking alot and since the top of my uterus is just above my belly button she has a pretty large area to move around. I looked down and I literally saw my stomach bulge out as she kicked.... was pretty weird... but cool.. hopefully she will time it better so Dutch is around. He keeps trying to feel it but she wants to be stubborn... I wonder where she gets that????
Missing - Mexican cheese dip, my favorite summer shorts, adult beverages... I forgot how many events in the summer could use a nice glass of wine or a cold cider. (Braves games, beach trips, cookouts, 4th of July coming up, etc)
Preparations - Dutch and I purchased her crib a few weeks ago and put it together last Saturday. We didn't kill each other and it actually got put together with all the parts! I have been doing some clothes shopping for our baby girl as the clearance racks at Carters were full of long sleeve onsies and fleece items perfect for 0-3 size. We really are set for 0-3 other than some fleece zip up PJs which carters doesn't have out just yet. I'm trying not to buy for her for next summer as its too hard to predict sizes, weather, etc. We've been getting the nursery together and I'm getting a post together to get everyone excited about the big reveal! : ) We even have started stocking up on some diapers. Just to start were doing only a few newborn and mostly size 1. Wipes are any size so those will be easy to stock pile.
Looking forward to - Dr. appointment on this Friday. I will get to see baby girl and hopefully get some great pictures. My co-bumper Laura's baby shower this Saturday! (I realized how to be a much better baby shower guest now that I am pregnant... Moms don't really need a ton of clothes or things you think are cute, they really need the things they registered for. So, I made sure to get lots of really helpful items plus a few fun things) Dutch and I also are touring the women's center at Northside on Sunday... Will be ... interesting... I'm sure. Also looking forward to a fun family reunion of sorts in Austin later next month!!
Ill try to get a recent picture up this weekend. She is defiantly growing bigger every week!