Date: Saturday March 9th 2013
Stats: We went to the Dr a few days before her 5 month birthday. She weighed 13lbs 14oz! She gained 1lbs 2 oz in 3 weeks. She also gained 1 inch! She now is 26" long. That is an increase of 4.5" in the last 5 months. wow.
Clothes: she has ventured into the 6 months clothes. There isn't as large of a gap between 3m and 6m onesies for her. They both fit right now. She is still wearing 3m/ 3-6m pants. Even though she has a little belly her waist is still skinny. She has something like 15 long sleeve 6 months onesies lol... and a lot of short sleeve ones that we haven't pulled out yet. If you've been itching to buy her some cute spring clothes hold off till 9 months. I figure when she can wear 9 months it will be nice and hot and she can wear cute shorts and sun dresses! So fun! We are officially in size 2 diapers. I never thought we would be out of size 1 but we are!
Sleep: we are NOT sleeping through the night... zzzzz.... oh sorry... I've got to sleep when I can....zzzzz
She did go through a large growth spurt (obviously) but 4 months apparently can be a very tricky sleep time. There sleep is changing, their stomachs are getting bigger, they are going through lots of developmental changes, teething, etc. She can get quite distracted during the day when eating. She would rather turn her head 180' to see daddy, or Dallas, or Taylor, or caress her quilt, or play with mommies face. etc. so we don't always get the best quality feedings. Her naps are getting better. We strive for 45min morning nap, a longer 1.5 hr afternoon nap, and another 45 mins at 530. She then goes down for bed at 730/745 until Dutch wakes her for daycare at 745am. She does wake to feed twice during that time. I'm trying to work on my schedule and figuring out how I can get the most rest. Most nights I try to go to bed around 8 if at all possible.
Food: Just breastmilk at this point. She is still 100% breastfed. I am a big advocate for breastfeeding and will happily tell you how fabulous it has been for us. (not from day 1... its not easy at first) It is one of the best decisions I feel I have made for Harper and our family. Just a few fun facts...
- by giving nothing but your breastmilk for the first four months you ahve given your baby strong protection against ear infections and respiratory tract diseases for a whole year.
- by breastfeeding for at least 4 months you have reduced your babys risk of SIDS
- breastmillk has a higher concentraction of fat and other essential nutrients than any solid food. It also changes as your baby ages. You make the perfect milk for their age.
- by breastfeeding for 4 months you have given your child a lower risk of developing eczema and asthma
- you have greatly reduced your babys risk of developing allergies by waiting until at least 6 months to introudce solids.
- you are now in the 1% of months who have breastfed for this long!
We are going to start solids next month. That includes rice cereal. the AAP and WHO now recommends exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Its believed that it can help with food allergies, childhood obesity and any conflicts with their digestive system not being ready.
This month Harper was baptized We celebrated with a lovely brunch at my parents house. She found her feet, became very interested in the world. Trees, dogs, mommy putting on makeup, dutch eating wings, etc. She also loves watching our lips as we say some of her favorite words. (especially mama : ) We celebrated valentines day. We enjoyed our family walks on the weekend. Its a great time for Dutch to have Harper in the ergo carrier. They love that time together. He teaches her about the outdoors. They look at clouds, grass, tree bark, flowers etc. They even picked a daffodil for mommy. Next up is her kayak lesson.... jk... : )
She felt her first snow flakes, and got to meet her cousin Marci! I even saw her grab her paci in her crib and put it in her mouth!! Genius baby status continues : )
Oh look, there's a doggy
oh, look at these great socks
Oh Sophia.. you look yummy
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