16 weeks
17 weeks
Baby girl and I are now at 19 weeks. We are almost half way! I love when people say wow, November will be here before you know it!...its right around the corner!... easy for you to say...
Things are going well. She is busy kicking away, something I noticed around week 16/17 this time around. Even though I started off rough ("morning" all day sickness started right at 4 weeks.) I started feeling better by 12 weeks. I'm always on the go between work, chasing Harper around or running my photography business, that I just somehow make it work.
Symptoms - heartburn, sore lower back sitting at work all day.
For the last 11 or so weeks my doctors have been keeping an eye on a benign tumor that is on my right overy. Its called a dermoid. Good news is that it has not grown in the last 11 weeks, staying at 4cm. (bit less than 2") Pregnancy puts you at a high risk for complications with dermoids so I am eager for it to maintain its size and not cause me any pain. After baby is here I will have it removed (hopefully laprascopically as long as it stays small).
At our anatomy scan (yes she is still a girl and everything checked out just as it should) we found out that I have complete placenta previa. Its a condition where your placenta has implanted at the very bottom of your uterus instead of at the top/top sides as expected. As far as pregnancy complications go this is a common one. Many times it resolves itself on its own as your uterus grows. As it gets bigger the place of implantation moves up with the uterus and hopefully pulls it out of the way of your cervix. If it hasn't moved by 34 weeks Ill be scheduled for a c section at 37 weeks. Ill have an update in 3 weeks. For now, I cant lift over 10 lbs, no exercise, etc. This condition has a risk of bleeding (which can end up putting you on bed rest among other concerns). But I have been ok so far. We welcome your thoughts and prayers that things resolve!
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