Monday, February 25, 2013


A few weeks ago Harper was baptized. It was also her 4 month birthday!
We felt so blessed to have our family around us to witness Harper's baptism. She had many people praying over her including her new godparents. Afterwards we hosted a brunch at my parents house. It was simple and sweet. Just perfect for our little girl. 

She wore the dress both my mom and I were baptized in. She looked like an angel!

Harper's brunch party dress !

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blowing bubbles II

4 months!

Date: Saturday February 9th 2013

Stats: Well last months update I was off. Ends up my method to hold her on the scale is not terrible accurate... go figure.. She had her 4 month pediatrician appointment this week. She is 25" long and 12 lbs 12oz. She is a skinny girl! But healthy. She just isn't one of those michelin man babies.

Clothes: She is still in 3 months clothes (at least I am getting my moneys worth). She is also in size 1 diapers. We are almost out of those. Even though she has a belly her waist is small. I am kinda getting sick of her clothes so I'm anxious to get her into her 6th months outfits. Her valentines day onesie was 6 months and wasn't huge on her so I might start mixing some pieces into her rotation.

Sleep: We are still sleeping through the night. (most nights) She goes to bed between 7-8pm (depending on when she woke up from her last nap) and then Dutch wakes her up at 745am to get ready for day care. Her naps are a little all over the place. I tend to worry about how she naps at day care. Luckily I had a great visit with her doctor yesterday who reassured me its not my responsibility to make Harper nap well while she is at  daycare. I'm not there and cant control the situation, rock her and snuggle her if shes upset etc. On the weekends we have a loose schedule and try to put her down drowsy after she has been up for almost 2 hours. I figure if I can help her learn to put herself to sleep on a schedule on the weekends, hopefully she will get some rest at daycare. Since she is sleeping 12 hours at night (except when I dream fed her... where I feed her and she is only awake enough to eat, has her eyes closed, and goes to sleep immediately after) the Dr. isn't as worried about her getting a certain number of hours during the day.

This month was full of firsts. She is growing leaps and bounds in the mental development department. She was able to roll onto her sides, then roll from her tummy to her back, then from her back to her tummy. She grabs and swats at toys. She pulls toys to her mouth. She loves eating her fingers. She will look at you when your talking to her. She has a sense of humor and loves to laugh and smile when you are being silly. She has started being interested in the world more. She loves our walks around the neighborhood when daddy has her in the ergo carrier. She loves watching me eat, brush my teeth or put on my makeup. She tries to do crunches when she is in her bouncy seat and she wants to sit up. She is our genius baby!

Loves those fingers

Trying out her bumbo for the first time

Trying to roll over

Playing with her toys

She loves holding our hands 

Her neck is getting so strong!

Sending our love!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy 4 months!

Just a few quick pictures of our 4 month old!!

Her Baptism party dress

Friday, February 1, 2013

Weeks 13-16

Rolling 16 weeks


I love taking photos of Harper and have been really happy with the photos Ive gotten of her. Sometimes though, she likes to give me funny faces which are just too cute not to share.

Enjoy our photography outtakes!

"Mom ... really... ?"

"its too bright out here"

"dad dont drop me!"

"blue steele"

"im a silly girl"


"How long do I have to sit here posing?"

"hey girl hey!"