Sunday, September 30, 2012


39 weeks

Current Stats: 39 weeks 1 days. (6 days till my due date)
Baby Size - Somewhere around 19-20 inches, 7-7.5 lbs? At least that is average for 39 weeks. Doctors have been predicting her to be in the mid 7 pound range. I have an ultrasound on Thursday so they might be able to have a better guess at that point. (She is approx. the size of a watermelon... great)

Stats- Still about 70%/1cm, head down, ready to go. Measuring right on her week (as of my appt last Thursday)

Clothes - recently retired most of my maternity clothes (as they were for work) yay! Now just whatever is comfy for these last few days.

Symptoms - about a week ago I was dealing with lots of middle/upper back pain. It was worse when seated (which is  how I spend 75% of my day...) but the past few days it just went away. Weight gain has pretty much stopped or dramatically slowed. Hopefully this is one of the many potential signs that you will go into labor soon. (by soon they mean next few weeks...) The most annoying symptom right now is just having to go to the bathroom at least once a hour. Even after you just walk about it seems like you might as well go back. You've got to be proactive about it because when your sitting its not so bad but as soon as you stand up and her 7 pounds pushes directly on your bladder you will become very critical/judgmental about where stores/restaurants restrooms are placed.

Missing - sleeping through the night. 2 bathroom breaks are normal now. Dallas still hasn't figured out that she shouldn't lay right in front of the bathroom door as I will kick her in the face on accident... oops.

Preparations - still all set to go. Just waiting.

Looking forward to -I'm looking forward to not being stared at when I go places, I'm looking forward to strangers ending the need to ask me personal questions. The cashier at Carters Friday asked me if I was dilated and how much. The cashier at Old Navy told me how being induced is the most awful thing you could possibly imagine. My 401k advisor mentioned how his wife became very ill during childbirth and was in the hospital for 3 weeks...(that's on top of all the "what are you doing out of the house?" , "you haven't had that baby yet???", "are you ready for lots of dirty diapers and crying?",comments I also get)  I am sure all the unsolicited comments will just change into unsolicited comments about my sweet baby... lol.... oh well... I'm also looking forward to my ultrasound on Thursday as we will also schedule my induction date. Hopefully I wont need it but its good to know where is an end in sight. They asked for 2 dates that are our preference on when to be induced. Our first choice is to go in Wednesday night to deliver on Thursday (October 11th)

In most exciting news, Friday was my last day of work for 2012. I am now officially on maternity leave. Feels weird as I don't yet have a baby yet... either way, I hope to relax this week as we wait for Harper's arrival.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Shower II

Harper and I were showered with love and gifts for the 2nd time! My Mom, Cheryl and SIL Kathryn threw me a fabulous girly brunch. Here are just a few of the pictures!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mommy Update 36w5d

Current Stats: 36 weeks 5 days. (23 days till my due date)
Baby Size - Somewhere around 19-20 inches, 6lbs? At least that is average for 36-37 weeks.
Stats- At my (36w) Dr. appt Monday I was 70% effaced, and just about 1 cm. She is head down and her head was settling in to my pelvis. (oh joy) So things are moving in the right direction. The Dr. thinks she will be average weight and mostly likely will will make it to my due date. Unfortunately I don't have another appt till next Thursday so It will be another week before I know if there is any progress or not.
Clothes - had to retire most of my non-prego tops as they aren't long enough anymore. I'm really down to the same 5 outfits that I'm just going make everyone bored of seeing me in... its only a few more weeks...

Symptoms - I have said goodbye to heartburn! its amazing... My Dr. prescribed a new heartburn medicine and it has completely ended my suffering. It really made life a little more enjoyable.

- Lower back/hip/pelvis? pain... is still lingering... now since she has started her "descent" my hips get pretty sore from time to time. Back still hurts but I know its just from my weight in balance.... no back labor... yet

- Definitely hot but the past few days its only been 80 in Atlanta and it feels amazing! Driving home with the windows down is the highlight of my day!
- Exhaustion/lack of energy - I bounce between no energy and bursts of energy. This morning I just had to clean out the freezer, put the diapers from the diaper cake away, and run the dishwasher. However last night, I really needed some things from target and could barely pull myself up off the couch to go. The task just seemed to overwhelming.
- I have a hard time breathing when I lay down in bed as she just comes up and crushes my lungs for a bit.
- I also still have an innie! 

Missing - finding comfortable sleeping positions at night. I feel like I have restless body syndrome... does that exist? I'm constantly flipping sides and each time its a huge production and includes lots of sighing. I just want to feel normal again but I'm sure that in intself is going to feel weird?

Preparations - we are all set to go. Bags packed, car seat installed, pack n play assembled, bassinet by the bed, laundry done, stroller in the trunk, hospital papers packed, camera charged, etc. Just waiting!
Looking forward to - Meeting Harper! She really could make her appearance any day/time now. She will be full term in 2 days so she is healthy and ready to go. She has been putting on a half a pound a week so any more time for her is just to fill out. I also cant wait to photograph her! You wont have to worry about not seeing pictures of her!
We will keep everyone posted! We know that worst case scenario that if I go past my due date that they would induce me at the latest Thursday night for Friday delivery (October 12th)
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that all goes well!