Thursday, October 10, 2013

Smash cake!

If you haven't yet seen Harper's adorable smash cake photos , take a quick trip over to my website....

and check them out!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our little pumpkins Birthday

Dutch and I took time off work today to be with our sweet baby girl. At 1225pm she was officially a 1 year old! We drove up to the north Georgia mountains to pick up our fall pumpkins. We also went on a hayride. It was great to have some mommy/daddy/Harper time.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Its almost time!

This sweet girl is almost 1! Dutch and I took off work so that we could spend her birthday together as a family. Really looking forward to it. I'm putting the finishing touches on her birthday slideshow so make sure to check back Wednesday for that!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

11 months

not amused

Date: September 9th 2013
Stats: 20 lbs?

Clothes: She is still rocking her 9 months clothes. Mostly dresses, shorts, and t shirts these days. 12 months clothes are still way to big on her which I am hoping she will grow into them by the time it gets cooler as her fall clothes are all 12 months.

Sleep: She sleeps like a champ. Still hanging onto that 530 nap for now. I have a feeling that it will go away after she starts with her new daycare lady. I know her schedule includes a longer late afternoon nap so we will adjust to that and probably just an earlier bedtime.

Food: She loves her stage 3 baby food jars. They have chunks of veggies, noodles etc, even seasonings to get things a little more flavor. She loves one called chicken noodle. She also loves scrambled egg yolks (cant have whites yet) and has tried grilled cheese. She is still getting used to eating finger foods. I cant get her to try a pear or banana for the life of me! She practices with her sippy cup and water but still takes 5 bottles of formula a day. One more month until we switch to cows milk and try to get rid of the bottles.

This month she started saying her T's . She likes to say tada!. She has 4 upper middle teeth coming in at once so she has a big toothy grin now. She crawls all over and now pulls to standing. Mommy went on a beach trip with my girlfriends this past month so Harper got lots of daddy time! We also started going out to eat in Roswell on canton street. We took daddy for his birthday and sat outside watching all the people walk by, the doggies and other kids. We ate our dinner like a big girl and mom and dad enjoyed some birthday beignets. yummm. She had her ultrasound on her kidneys at the beginning of the month. Everything turned out perfect so we are relieved. They just wanted to check on them after she had her UTI the previous month. My absolute favorite thing from this month was that you started to hug mommy and daddy. You love to snuggle with us and rest your head on our chest. It just melts our heart. Mornings before we leave for the day you drink your milk as we snuggle in your nursery. After you are all done you just snuggle on mama all sleepy and sweet. Its awesome!!!! What life is truly about... We love you baby girl. You are such a big girl and we love watching you grow!