Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Boy or Girl?

The first thing most people ask me is are you going to find out the gender?!?!??! (Yes we are, May 4th)

People are so excited to know if its a boy or a girl, I wonder how people stay sane waiting till the birth to find out. The control freak/planner in me is anxious to start buying boy clothes or girl clothes. Our nursery right now is pretty neutral so we will be adding all those finishing touches to make it more boy or girl friendly.

There are lots of old wives tales to help predict the gender. Dutch and I have the gut feeling its a Girl, but almost everyone around us has either just had a girl or is pregnant with a girl. I also spent most of my life figuring I would have all boys since both sides of my family are heavily weighed on the boy side. Ends up, gender comes from the fathers side. Since Dutch is adopted there isn't much insight there.

The Chinese gender predictor says a girl. http://www.babycenter.com/chinese-gender-predictor

Also, The heartbeat is above 140 which signifies a girl...

I haven't done any other "tests" that involved draino or baking soda.... lol

What do you guys think? Click the Poll on the right side of my blog!


  1. What did the needle test say? Would be fun to see!

  2. Well have to do that at Easter. We can do kathryn too : )

  3. Lol, I was going to ask about the needle test.

  4. I'm just jealous you get to find out before me! We are in waiting til May 22nd!

  5. I voted. I think its a girl. I can't wait to find out though. I also tagged you in a fun blog game called 11 Things. You can find out more details on my blog. http://livelyspiritedconfessions.blogspot.com/2012/04/11-things.html
